📌 Edition #20
📆 March 2022

🌎 Copán Ruinas, Honduras


📸 This month’s Snaps 🎪


UPH Anthill 🐜

"UPH is no longer a baby" says Londin, our Executive Director, every time we have a meeting—and he is not wrong! The number of programs we run on a daily basis proves this: Trekkers, Scholarships, After-school programs, GAMA, artist-in-residence, Vacation Camps, and many more.

Every staff member has a significant impact on the lives of these children and youth, all of whom demand encouragement and someone to believe in them. We are proud to say that every participant in our programs is the living embodiment of our efforts.

So, what's the secret recipe to getting such results? Collaboration, commitment, and enthusiasm.

The After-school program is composed of 3 directors and 3 sub-directors, each team supervising one camp : It's insane—50 children and 9 youth leaders per camp. Each child is a colorful world, some are like boxes full of wonders waiting to be opened, others are like fireworks with many sparks making a lot of noise that cannot be stopped, and still, others are like crystal vessels that require delicacy and great care. 

Plenty of them have been tagged by society as "those who have an academic deficiency" while others are "special cases" with teachers giving up on them every year. UPH, on the other hand, believes that these are the children who merit special treatment and intentional accompaniment. That is why we work so hard to make each day of camp a fantastic event where they will be affirmed for their achievements rather than criticized for their shortcomings and insecurities.

It's funny how every time we plan an event, we say, "Let's do something simple, easy to do, and that doesn't require as much preparation," and then we end up doing the opposite because it's impossible to do something simple: They don't deserve it. Every activity carried out by UrbanPromise Honduras, from agenda preparation to birthday celebrations and Spelling Bee contests—it is all carried out with the same passion and excellence. I am not going to say that it is an easy task, because it is not! It is difficult, stressful, and exhausting, but it is a satisfying and gratifying fatigue because we know that we are the vineyard laborers, the working ants ensuring that each of those little seeds germinate and bear much fruit in the future.

We are the six worker ants representing our After-school programs, but there are so many more by our side: youth leaders, volunteers, donors, and parents—together we form an ant colony! And all working on the same goal: One more super planned event, one more capable youth leader, one more self-assured child in the community and one more working ant satisfied when going to bed.


📝What we’ve been up to📅

All these activities AND MANY MORE! are made thanks to your monthly support


All these activities AND MANY MORE! are made thanks to your monthly support 🎪

🎨 Artist-In-Residence Program

  • Advances in a collaborative painting project

  • Monthly initiatives to form a connection between AIR and staff/programs

  • Weekly classes with young artist

  • Planning art activity for UPLAM summit

🚀 Development

  • Fundraising webinar training

  • New fundraising campaign planning and design

  • UPLAM’s First Friday Newsletter

🦜 Youth Program

  • “Misión Carácter“ is a professional and spiritual training workshop for all young people, led by a local religious community.

  • University visit in Guatemala.

  • Connection with USAID generating opportunity for two training internships for our young people

🎒 After School Program

  • Delivery of a present to gratify campsite owners

  • Delivery of school supplies and water bottles to scholarship children from the camp

  • Meeting with parents to deal with their children's academic issues..

  • I like that challenge, which consists of telling 5 children one thing that we like about them and giving a hug when we say it.

🥾 UrbanTrekkers

  • Outdoor adventure visiting Peña Colorada a 3km trek.

  • Youth continue to be part of the morning athletics-jog

  • Tours in the comprehensive farm of natural medicine, helped us to know what is the way to cure pain or discomfort that normally the human being suffers

  • Promise Band rocking out in the Central Park as par of a local cultural event

🎯 General Programs

  • Overall program planning and management

💼 Admin

  • Honduras and USA accounting process monitoring training

  • Creation of Accounting Catalog