📌 Edition #39

📆 December 2023

📌 Edition #39 📆 December 2023

📸Snaps of the month

🎭 Staff and Fellows performing skits at the central park

🔥 Rite of passage: a culminating ceremony of the passage of our older youth as they finalize they work at UPH

🗻 Trekking in Copán


Sometimes I would like to know you better. Yes, you—our Circus members who are reading this.

As a recurring monthly donor you play a vital role in the mission of our organization, and yet, I feel that I do not know you well enough. It's no one's fault! We are a growing community spread across the American continent. However, I often think—who are these amazing people that have our backs day and night? How will their day go? What do they know about Honduras? Do they talk to themselves out loud? Is there anything we can do for them?

Our vision is to create vibrant communities across Latin America where youth flourish, but that shouldn’t stop me from
shifting the focus momentarily to you. All the contrary! We’re so thankful for each of you, and we just can’t help but
want to connect with you.

Even though I don’t know each of you as much as I would like, I believe that we are united by a faith of wanting to
impact the lives of those who do not have as many privileges as we had growing up.

Silence is rare at UPH. The microphone is always on our youth and their growth; it’s on our children and their victories,
and our fellows and their leadership. That won't change, but I can't help but wonder, what do you have to say?

This situation brings the story of Job to my typing fingers. He lost everything he owned, his sons and daughters
passed away, and he even contracted a disease so shocking that they named it hyperimmunoglobulin as Job syndro-
me. His friends came rushing to him, and one would think they would start by dropping loads of words and sayings like
“We’re here for you. Trust the Lord. His plans are unknown to men.” And yet, they:

"...tore their robes and sprinkled dust on their heads toward heaven. And they sat with him on the ground seven
days and seven nights, and no one spoke a word to him, for they saw that his suffering was very great.”
Job 2:12–13

Seven days and seven nights. No one spoke a word—silence, but not solitude.
Silence like that speaks volumes. Your silence and support for this tribe, month after month speaks louder than any
words. You are with us each step of the way.

As 2024 comes marching for our watches, we have spent twelve months sharing hundreds of victories with all of you.
We prepared these photos with great joy and told you a story that gladdened our hearts and gave us hope. Although
our communications are often unilateral, and sometimes there is silence, we never feel alone.

You have spent every second of 2023 with us. Your remarkable acts of generosity and belief in our vision have not gone
unnoticed. Thank you.

I am grateful to have friends like you who are as loyal as those described in the Bible. Friends who provide the neces-
sary support and help our project and community thrive. Through this support, we can pass on the same kindness to