📌 Edition #30

📆 March 2023

📌 Edition #30 📆 March 2023


📸Snaps of the month

🚴🏻‍♀️Cycling training w/ UrbanTrekkers 🎸Promise Band at Global Trust Partner Workshop ⛺ Camping with Youth Program 🍰 Former Camp Director’s Farewell 🤡 New Staff Welcome Party 🌎 UPLAM’s 2022 cohort Graduation

Watch this tide make a little splash🌊

Those roaring, mountainous waves in the sea start miles offshore, which no one has noticed. 

Today at UrbanPromise in Latin America, a tide is stirring.

Between February 8th and 11th, we had our first meeting with the UrbanPromise Latin America Leadership team. This is a small movement that with great faith, we say today, will become a tsunami.

The purpose of the Leadership Team is to carry into reality the vision of UPLAM: creating and fostering vibrant communities in Latin America. The team focuses on directing programs, actions, and people to this promising destination. 

UrbanPromise Honduras has an important role in this projection. It’s the model to be replicated in other places in Latin America, the training grounds of future visionary leaders, an ambition so great that only a mountainous wave can bring about.

The UPLAM Leadership team includes Silvia Álvares (Chief Financial Officer), Jorge Olivo (Fellowship Director of UPLAM), Londin Velásquez (Executive Director of UPH), Kris Schnepf (Operations Director of UPLAM), David Silva (Communications Director of UPH), Blair Quinius (CEO & Founder of UPH and UPLAM), and Carolina Botello (Fellowship Director of UPLAM).

This is an all-star team if I ever saw one, a “before” and “after” in the functionality of our organization.

This team, already excelling individually in their daily functions, is now intentionally unified for a synergy that allows us to exploit our talents in separate tasks and create spaces where we all participate.

I am moved by the style of leadership and functionality that this team presents: a leadership-servant community, attentive and horizontal, with a round table instead of a hierarchical organization chart. Sort of like a leadership style that Jesus used, trusting his disciples with his great power and openly inviting each new leader—willing to carry his cross—to dream big with this movement.

Like everything we do, we want this Leadership team to be different because we strive to create a different world. We also wish for a plurality of voices and representativeness of different contexts and experiences.

Your support and donations are essential in helping us with our planned efforts to expand our vision into Latin America.

Watch this tide make a little splash here and there because we're aiming high. We will have more news as these develop. Make sure to ride this wave with excitement and faith. We are making a revolutionary movement, and you're greatly needed.